How Much Should You Expect Your Electric Bill to Cost?
The first and most intuitive thing you think about when someone mentions bills is probably electricity. While you would not find the highest average utility costs in Texas, the electricity bill in Texas is higher than the overall US average . Hiring long-distance movers to move to Texas means taking this increased energy cost into account.
According to the United States Energy Information Administration, the average electric bill in the United States is $117.65 . Not too bad. In Texas, however, you can expect to pay somewhere around $140.
You must be wondering why it’s so much higher than the average by now. That’s because of the winter storm that hit Texas in February earlier this year. Texas actually hit the electricity bill price cap in that storm. Usually, the price cap would be hit during the summer months. Don’t worry, though; we will list you some clever and interesting ways that could help you cut down on your electricity usage.
Use Energy Efficient Light Bulbs
Most people would think that light bulbs are too small to make any difference when the bill comes knocking. Lighting your home actually costs 20% of the overall electricity bill, which costs homeowners around $200 annually on average.
If you make a choice to swap out your old incandescent light bulbs (those are the old yellow ones) with newer, more energy-efficient light-emitting diode bulbs (LEDs), you can expect to save around 80% of the electricity used to light up your house.
Unplug Any Devices You Are Not Using
How much would unplugging appliances save you? The United States Department of Energy says that homeowners can save anywhere between $100 and $200 each year by unplugging unused appliances.
Here’s the average cost of electricity you can expect to pay when living in Texas:
- The average monthly electricity cost of a 1-bedroom apartment is $84.46
- The average monthly electricity cost of a 2-bedroom apartment is $119.38
- The average monthly electricity cost of a 3-bedroom apartment is $153.93
- The average monthly electricity cost of a 4-bedroom apartment is $191.59
The two main culprits behind a hefty electric bill include:
- The Apartment Size: The equation here is simple. The bigger your apartment, the more power your electric appliances will draw to heat or cool a large space. The area includes the ceiling height and the overall floor space.
- The Number of People: Whether you’re a family of 4 or a single individual living with roommates – the cost of electricity would go up with the number of people using it.
Wondering what are the major energy drainers and how you can cut back on them? Here’s a quick list to get you started:
- Lightening: In an average American household, the lighting itself contributes to 10% of the electricity usage. Investing in LED light bulbs that are energy-efficient, and using the light only when you need can help lower your electricity costs.
- Water heater: It is the reason for 14% of your apartment’s electricity usage. While most water heaters are set at 140℉, you can bring it down to 120℉ to bring down the costs.
- Space Heater or Air Conditioner: Combine these two appliances, and you’ll see they contribute to more than 32% of your apartment's electricity usage. By making the simple change of using these appliances less, you can have big savings at the end of the month.
- Energy Providers: It’s best to research, track, and manage your cost when moving to a new place. That said, you could save up to 40% a month by choosing the right energy provider. Make sure you compare the prices and services before settling on a service provider.